Puisi Bahasa Inggris - I doubt my faith

Kumpulan Puisi Bahasa Inggris juga ada disini, kali ini judulnya I doubt my faith. seperti apa puisinya?

I doubt my faith
in my lonely entrusted a word for you
I thought you asked to save millions
My belief would come when I myself
greeted with a gently and firmly as if he was a class leader

This is different,,
just when I squeezed the crowds
greet children on the night of doubt threatens terbesit
greeted me with a rough and very slap
though as the linesman who saw players lying

What is my heart ICU
awaiting his own doctor
This dilemma is not small-sized
no side and living room
but this dilemma, he killed his sense of longing

remember, you doubt the discarded pile
You are also forbidden belief that the liver

This problem is two sides to the falling
another no one helps

this life, knowing
This heart, this sense, it's about me
you do not forget they are part of the story
I hate ..

greetings from me than you make them
five fingers clenched, what it was a sign
I wish I could pick just two fingers to clench my shaking and no

hurry up and pass hesitate yakinku
there is something waiting for me
embraced happiness
spoiled the pleasure
coated faith
based on the determination

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